The Gods of Gerber must be smiling on us again. After a couple of lackluster trips to Gerber Lake this one was wonderful. It was the type of early fall day where everything looks extra brilliant. The leaves hadn’t started turning a great deal yet but the ones that had added a splash of color. So what, I wondered, made this trip so much better then the two previous ones? Yes, there were less people but really no more wildlife and it was really too windy for great fishing. I think it comes down to expectations. Who hasn’t heard somebody, after complaining about some movie or show they went to say, “It just didn’t live up to my expectations”. We had become so accustom to great days at Gerber that when we just had good days they “just didn’t live up to our expectations. Even my ranting about our last trip to Mauthe Lake was rooted in expectations. When we had been to Mauthe the first time we had seen abundant amounts of wildlife. So, when suddenly our expectations were dashed we were disappointed. This time at Gerber we didn’t even expect to be there. Earlier in the week the forecast had called for bad weather all weekend. When we woke up to beautiful weather Sunday morning we knew we had to take advantage of it. We knew that later in the day it was supposed to get windy so we went out early. The wind was already blowing but if we stayed tucked into the corners it was calm enough. I manage to get a couple of Bass before the wind picked up. As always, we went up the little river. We decided that maybe what little current there is might be running out of the lake. It is really hard to tell because it is hard to see any movement at all. The rains had clarified the water and everything was crystal clear. We got out of our kayaks at the bridge and scouted out the land a little. We found the water more interesting. It is good to be back in the favor of Gerber
Spring Break on the Bike Trail
5 years ago